When parents seek positive and sound guidebooks for their adolescents to continue a positive path, Dr. LaVern McCants is the go-to, seek-for author who provides awe-aspiring excellent books geared to direct youth in positive directions. McCants has researched youth issues and school-related issues to enable youth to become the best they can become. She is a passionate author that has work with the adolescent population in many rewarding ways for over two decades. Most parents are overly concerned about their children making wise choices. Parents are aware that one poor choice can negatively affect their child’s future. Dr. McCants is determined to keep youth on positive paths. This passionate author has done a tremendous amount of data-driven research and provides unique books that provide solutions in books that are everlasting publications for youth. McCants, the known Solution Provider for Rising Generations, force youth to stay on positive paths through her books, and these learned lessons are passed down from generation to generation in her books, enhancing the lives of our current society and rising generations.
McCants also has a fantastic must-read companion book for parents, which will be released in 2021 but can be ordered now, Parents Right to Know: Proven Methods on How to Influence Youth to Make Wise and Responsible Decisions That Lead to Promising Futures. Parents can pre-order this book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other booksellers across the globe. Pre-orders can also be placed through New York Worldwide Publishers® by phone at 212-NYC-0000. Pre-orders and other information about this book and McCants’s other publications at www.lavernmccants.com.
McCants is an extraordinary writer who writes books for various audiences, providing powerful and profound words of wisdom that forces youth to think about their choices. McCants is a research-driven author with decades of positive experience in helping youth to make incredibly wise choices. She is highly respected globally for her work for youth and women.
This GAME-CHANGER author’s latest book for women titled Single Lady Wise Talk: The Rule-Changer empowers women to LIVE THEIR BEST! This book is a real STOP and THINK PUBLICATION. THIS BOOK IS A POSITIVE FORCE FOR ANY SINGLE WOMAN. Dr. McCants’ life accomplishments speak of this. In her book, her messages, Single Lady Wise Talk: The Rule-Changer, give women from all walks of life new and unique perspectives. This book is a true GAME-CHANGER. It is amazing how women can gain so much positivity from one book. Single Lady Wise Talk: The Rule-Changer is a read, share, and buy one for a friend type of publication.
Read more about this publication at www.singleladywisetalk.com. Her book Wise Girl Talk, will be on the market late this month. Read more about this book at www.wisegirltalk.com. Dr. McCants has received many great reviews on her awe-aspiring, fantastic work and has gained the name The Solution Provider for Rising Generations because of her excellent life-changing work for the youth population.
McCants’ 2021 publications include Wise Girl Talk, Single Lady Wise Talk: The Rule-Changer, What Every Teenager Needs to Know: Choices That Lead to a Promising Future, Parents Right to Know: Proven Methods on How to Influence Youth to Make Wise and Responsible Decisions That Lead to Promising Futures, Every Girl Deserves to Live Her Dreams, From Boy to Manhood: Every Boy Has an Opportunity to Become a Great Man, Bullying Stops Here, The Secrets of High-Performing Classrooms, The Secrets of High-Performing Schools and The Essentials to Increase Parental Involvement in Any K-12 School: Knowledge That Every Educator Must Know.
Follow McCants on social media at Facebook.com/lavernmccants, on Twitter at Twitter.com/lavernmccants, on Instagram at Instagram.com/lavernmccantsofficial. Visit www.lavernmccants.com, www.singleladywisetalk.com, wisegirltalk.com, and www.lavernmccantsbooks.com for updates on when Dr. LaVern McCants is coming to your city.
Dr. McCants will be featured in a100-City Empowerment Tour sponsored by New York Worldwide Publishers® starting in late 2021. Meet her in your city. Also, purchase her new releases now and place pre-orders for upcoming releases at www.lavernmccants.com or via phone at 212-NYC-0000, on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and other booksellers globally.