Migraine: 10 Simple Hacks For Fast Pain Relief

About 4% of the world’s adult population suffers from headaches lasting 15 days or more each month. This is a pervasive problem, and it affects people regardless of their area of ​​residence, age, or status. It has a wide range of symptoms, including throbbing headache, weakness, and dizziness that last up to three days. Experts believe that most seizures are preventable, although treatment varies from person to person.

Signs Of Migraine

Migraine is still very little studied. It has many different symptoms, the main of which is a severe headache. Sometimes it is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, light and sound sensitivity, even visual and auditory hallucinations. Migraine attacks can occur several times a year or repeatedly every month.

There are several common signs that distinguish migraines from other types of headaches. This is its protracted nature; it lasts from several hours to several days without interruption. The pressing and throbbing pain occur in one-half of the head. Migraine may shift to the right, then to the left hemisphere. Any sudden movement responds with a powerful, painful attack.

A third of migraine sufferers are women. This is due to hormonal changes. According to statistics, the most common sufferers of migraines are young people. In women over 40, migraine attacks are much less common.

How To Use Food To Relieve Migraines

Here are some tips that can help you to get quick relief from migraine pain. These hacks are quite basic but very effective.

1. Change Your Diet

You may want to consider making small changes in your diet to help reduce migraines. For example, a study found that a plant-based diet can reduce migraine attacks. In order to choose the right food for you, you should seek the advice of your gastroenterologist or nutritionist. In addition, you can do a genetic test that will show which foods may be contraindicated for you.

2. Avoid Trigger Foods

Each person may have a different food trigger, but there are a few basic elements to avoid if you have frequent headaches. The most notable and frequently researched medicinally related foods that trigger migraines are alcohol, drugs, and chocolate. Thus, if you are suffering from constant migraines, you can use a drug effects calculator to check when the pain or effect of the drug will wear off.

Another common factor is processed foods. Artificial sweeteners, additives, nitrates, preservatives, and even monosodium glutamate are all potential triggers for your migraine.

Medical News Today published a study in 2018 that also names aged cheese and smoked fish as triggers. If you prefer to cook in a dehydrator, this may be the cause of the seizures. And to analyze the presence or absence of a connection, it is enough to wait 24 hours after consuming any of these products.

3. Stock Up On Products For Prevention

Even though each person may have their own reaction to certain foods, some of them actually help to minimize the pain. Scientists recommend consuming as many foods as possible that are high in vitamin B2 – usually leafy vegetables and coenzyme Q10. It is found in meat, fish, peanuts, and strawberries.

Both of these elements help in the production of mitochondrial energy, the production of which reduces migraine attacks. It is not necessary to eat only these elements for days on end. It is enough to eat a few healthy foods at the moment when you begin to experience early symptoms and feel the “aura” of migraine.

4. Pay Attention To Your Eating Habits

Another important factor aggravating migraines is spikes in blood sugar. For example, taking too long breaks between meals can also cause your headache. Experts recommend consuming protein foods every three to four hours.

These can be pieces of meat, nuts, or special protein-containing snacks. Protein helps maintain a constant blood sugar level, but eating carbohydrate snacks, on the contrary, increases fluctuations.

5. Remember Your Triggers

If even these methods do not help you reduce the number and duration of attacks, consider keeping a diary to identify pain triggers. Write down all the changes that you make to your diet, note how the pain started.

Also, note what foods you have been avoiding lately and which ones you ate more than usual. To some, this may seem like a rather tedious job, but it is worth doing if you want to get rid of migraines once and for all.

How To Relieve Migraine Pain

Here are some other useful tips to relieve migraine pain:

  • Create as calm an environment as possible: The best thing to do for a migraine is to go to bed in a dark, quiet room and try to sleep or lie there waiting for the attack to end.
  • Avoid starvation and dehydration: If you have a headache, you don’t feel like eating at all, but a lack of nutrition or fluid can make the situation worse. Hunger is one of the common triggers for migraines.
  • Don’t Delay Taking Medication: Don’t wait until the pain becomes unbearable to take medicine. If you feel the approach of an attack, take the pill.
  • Take A Bath: Cold compresses on the forehead, massage, and bath. Do whatever helps you to ease the pain.
  • Try New Things: Try to develop a craving for new experiences and fight nervousness. This is a long-term assignment. Researchers argue that people who are able to overcome routine and are open to new experiences are more protected from headaches. Intellectual curiosity, the development of artistic skills, and extroversion will do well to your head.

Take Away

The percentage of people suffering from migraines is increasing rapidly. Thus, it is important to know how one can deal with such a throbbing pain. By following the simple hacks listed above, you can surely relieve the pain and even stop the attacks from appearing


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